Japanese prayer beads maker
Yasuda-Nenju Since 1683

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  1. Toppage
  2. Introduction
  3. Usage


> How to hold prayer beads at the Buddist Service

> Formal way of holding prayer beads by sect

How to hold prayer beads at the Buddist Service

    For formal prayer beads,  you make two rings out of the large rign and hang them on your left hand.  For simplifieds prayer beads, you hang them on your left hand.  Alternatively you can hang them on both hands as shown in these picture.

Formal prayer beadsSinplified prayer beads
Formal prayer beadsSinplified prayer beads
Formal prayer beads
Formal prayer beads
Sinplified prayer beads
Sinplified prayer beads


Formal way of holding prayer beads by sect

Shingon sectJodo sectZen sect (Rinzai & Sodo sect)
Shingon sect Jodo sect Zen sect
    Twist the prayer beads into the shape of an “8” and loop both ends around your middle fingers and join your hands in prayer.     Together and hang them over your thumbs as you join your hands in prayer.     Fold the prayer beads into two rings and hang over your left hand and put your hands together in prayer.
Shingon sect
Shingon sect
Twist the prayer beads into the shape of an “8” and loop both ends around your middle fingers and join your hands in prayer.
Jodo sect
Jodo sect
Together and hang them over your thumbs as you join your hands in prayer.
Zen sect (Rinzai & Sodo sect)
Zen sect
Fold the prayer beads into two rings and hang over your left hand and put your hands together in prayer.
Tendai sectNichiren sect
Shingon sect Jodo sect
    Hold the prayer beads between your index and middle fingers and join your hands in prayer.     Make “8” shape and put one and with two tassels and the other end with three tassels around your middle fingers in prayer.
Tendai sect
Shingon sect
Hold the prayer beads between your index and middle fingers and join your hands in prayer.
Nichiren sect
Jodo sect
Make “8” shape and put one and with two tassels and the other end with three tassels around your middle fingers in prayer.
